Talk meets action

If you're here, you know we need some innovative solutions if we're going to become actually inclusive.

We know that so many companies are taking a stand against racism...and that's great. But we also know that it loses customer trust if you say one thing and your policies and systems are doing another. Speaking out is step one, but having real action plans that are good for the world and good for business takes a very special set of skills. That's where we come in.

We sit at the intersection of policy and marketing.

We deliver on talk (aka. facilitation) and action (aka. consulting).

We apply both neuroscience and industry expertise.

We know how to help you talk about solutions and act on them.

The UNMUTE Approach: Racial equity meets neuroscience


We lead with heart by leveraging the power of mirror neurons. By mirroring open conversations about racial issues—from voter rights to COVID to George Floyd. We address the issues your team needs to discuss head on to drive solutions for your business.


We get your team into a flow state through creative mediums and internal processing. This sets the stage for collaboration, safety, trust...and optimal productivity.


Leverage the power of Non-Violent Communication to align your teams on solutions that are in line with your brand values, forward-moving on your company actions, and loyal to your customers and team.

Want a sneak peek?

Want a sneak peek of our first pillar: vulnerability? Check out Xina and Emily discussing racial equity and COVID-19.

Ready to get started?

It's time we unmuted each other and made real progress.

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